ISAIC from the Perspective of ISAIC Graduate: Emery Jones

Emery, called MJ, is a multi-talent, Detroit-based solo artist, catalyst and motivator who works collaboratively with artists in varying industries. After shifting from music to fashion he started an innovative product enterprise called EMLE. Emery graduated from ISAIC’s Fundamentals of Industrial Sewing and Production (FISP) program in March of 2023.  

He entered the program as an employee of Not Sorry Goods, who invested in his education—covering the program costs to upskill Emery and prepare him for a leadership role within their organization. According to Emery, "everything I have learned up to this point has been YouTube university or trial and error. ISAIC helped me tighten stuff up so I have less of a disclaimer for what I am putting it up to. I know that it is good. ISAIC gave me confidence."  

Learning how to use a serger machine was one of the many skills Emery learned during his time at ISAIC, he explains: “having access to different types of machines was an eye-opening experience” and it gave him a lesson in how efficiency can enrich the sewing experience. Shifting from using one machine in his home studio to relying on the manufacturing method of producing product, he found greater joy in the process with less struggle and more creativity. Emery describes the program by stating, “it did put me in a mind frame of what I am capable of or what's possible. Knowing all the ins and outs made me less stressed about moving forward." 

When asked “how would you describe ISAIC in 3 words?”, he explains his perspective that ISAIC is “an incubator where you grow your potential to be everything you want to be... if you are focused enough and find the right mindset you can start and build your foundation here. Even if you come in and you are down, you will be around a good energy.” Emery compared his experience in college courses, learning around disinterested and disengaged people, with his experience in the FISP program stating: “Everybody was there to win, but still sharing ideas, resources, good energy and laughter.”  

His advice for anybody considering enrolling into the program would be: "Get ready to wake up early. Be passionate! Come in with that passion and be yourself 110%... It will make the situation better for yourself and also for everyone else around you. That was something that made my experience rich, realizing that when I don't move in fear, I usually get what I want. If you want it and put the work in it, it will come. If you are interested in ISAIC, absolutely apply and bring you A game every single day."