Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute x ISAIC

In 2017, the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute was created through Carnegie Mellon University and funded by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to “strengthen U.S. manufacturing through innovations in advanced manufacturing technology, particularly robotics and artificial intelligence, and prepare the workforce to work alongside these technologies.” ISAIC, being the national institute for sewn trades, is the perfect partner for ARM because we reinforce the workforce development aspect of their work.  

The Institute identifies critical issues inhibiting U.S. manufacturing and generates solutions to solve those problems through national projects. Calls for projects are publicly available for ARM members to apply to pilot and test new solutions. Out of about 37 submissions, 25 are usually selected to participate. 

ISAIC first got involved in an ARM project in 2021 where we offered our expertise and a usage case facility to trial robotics, which launched our participation in the next projects as training subject matter experts. ISAIC is uniquely positioned to shadow ARM projects to capture the skills, processes, and procedures needed to operate the new solutions. From there, we develop training and work instructions to distribute on a widescale to speed adoption of the solution across the nation.  

Currently, ISAIC is involved in three different ARM projects. More details will be released upon the completion of the projects, but as of now—the information is classified to preserve confidentiality. To keep up with new developments, click here.  

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