Meet the ISAIC Newbies

Shay Dockery is our new Apprenticeship Coordinator at ISAIC. Learn about her from this brief interview below: 

Where are you from?  

Detroit, MI 

What are your hobbies and/or interests? 

My main hobbies are Painting, Traveling, Spending time with friends & family. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

Invisibility, speed, and time travel  

What did you do before ISAIC? 

Community Development  

Why did you choose ISAIC?  

The mission and vision went along the lines of my passion and wanted to be a part of the journey. 


Chandler Vaughan is our new Program Manager at ISAIC. Learn about her from this brief interview below: 

Where are you from?  

Charlotte, NC 

What are your hobbies and/or interests? 

I love to travel and explore cultural artifacts of a city, from the art scene and architecture to the local restuarants.  

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

I would be able to time travel and speak any language wherever I am in the world.  

What did you do before ISAIC? 

Interim downtown manager and project manager for a municipal Economic Development Department in Burlington, NC 

Why did you choose ISAIC?  

I believe in the revolutionary work that is happening here and want to contribute to ISAIC’s growth and impact of the community and wider society.  

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